• 囧研究:女性更易对生活满意,但...

    升了3%以上。[/cn] [en]ONS statisticians linked the general rise in happiness last year to economic improvements, but gave no reason why women should have been cheering up more than men.[/en][cn]国家统计局的统计学家们将去年幸福指数的普遍上升与经济的改善联系在一起,但没有给出为什么女性应该比男性更研究快乐的理由。[/cn] [en]Nor could they explain why the improvements in well-being were detected in England while there was no noticeable change in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.[/en][cn]他们也不能解释为什么英格兰的幸福状况得到改善,而苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰却没有明显的变化。[/cn] [en]The well-being ratings are produced from questions asked of more than 300,000 people in the ONS Annual Population Survey.[/en][cn]在国家统计局的年度人口调查中,有超过30万人被问及幸福指数。[/cn] [en]The four well-being questions ask whether people felt happy, if their lives were worthwhile, whether they were satisfied with their lives, and how anxious they felt on the day before they took part in the survey.[/en][cn]有四个关于幸福感的问题:人们是否开心,他们的生活是否有意义,是否对他们的生活感到满意,以及他们在参加调查前一天感到多么焦虑。[/cn] [en]The ONS report said: ‘Over time, women have consistently reported higher levels of life satisfaction and worthwhile every year, but have also reported higher levels of anxiety since we first began collecting data in 2011.’[/en][cn]英国国家统计局的报告称:“随着时间的推移,女性每年的生活满意度和价值都在不断提高,但自2011年以来收集的数据表明,她们的焦虑程度也有所上升。”[/cn] (翻译:小半)

  • 囧研究:女性成员更注重朋友,而非异性!

    as opposed to their husband.[/en][cn]如今,由Champneys Health Spa开展的一项调查显示,超过50%的已婚女性愿意花时间与自己最好的朋友在一起,而不是与丈夫在一起。[/cn] [en]1,517 women from the UK were involved in the research, which is unlikely to shock many but won't be pleasant reading for husbands around the country. [/en][cn]来自英国的1517名女性参与了这项研究,这一研究虽然不太可能

  • 囧研究:玩囧研究手机对眼睛的伤害,究竟有多大?

    递给大脑。[/cn] [en]The team did find a molecule, a vitamin E derivative known as alpha tocopherol, that can stop the cells from dying.[/en][cn]研究小组发现一种分子,是维他命E的衍生物也就是α生育酚,能够阻止细胞的死亡。[/cn] [en]DrKarunarathne says some of the ways we can protect ourselves include wearing sunglasses that can filter both UV and blue light, using blue light filters on our phones, and not looking at cell phones or tablets in the dark.[/en][cn]有以下几种方式可以保护我们,包括佩戴太阳眼镜可以滤掉UV和蓝光,在手机上用蓝光滤膜,不要在黑的地方玩手机和平板,Karunarathne博士如是说。[/cn] (翻译:林浔鸥)

  • 囧研究:名字好读易升职


  • 囧研究:假新闻也有好处?

    可以化解矛盾。[/cn] [en]Table 1. Denial101x lectures adhering to Fact-Myth-Fallacy structure.[/en][cn]表1 遵循“事实—迷思—谬误”框架的“否定事实”入门课[/cn] [en]Science has, in a moment of frankness, informed us that throwing more science at people isn’t the full answer to science denial. Misinformation is a reality that we can’t afford to ignore–we can’t be in denial about science denial. Rather, we should see it as an educational opportunity. Addressing misconceptions in the classroom is one of the most powerful ways to teach science.[/en][cn]科学明白地告诉我们,向

  • 囧研究:一天7杯咖啡能让你活得更久!


  • 囧研究:慈善事业女人比男人更大方(双语)

    大方,有时候女人的捐款数额甚至是男人的两倍。[/cn] [en]The study offered several factors the researchers thought contributed to the growing generosity of women: More women are working and their incomes have grown, more have college degrees that [w]yield[/w] greater earning power, and the percentage of women who make more money than their working husbands is now about 26 percent. [/en] [cn]对于该结果,研究人员提研究出了几种可能原因:越来越多的妇女参加工作,自己的荷包也鼓起来了;许多女性拥有大学学历,赚钱的本事也大大增加了;大概26%的妇女比自己的老公赚得还多。[/cn] [en]The data used for the study was not broken down by gender, so researchers looked solely at households headed by single men or single women, including adults who have been divorced, [w]widowed[/w] or never married. They looked at the donating patterns of about 8,000 American households. [/en] [cn]由于这项研究里使用的数据并不是根据性别划分的,所以研究人员单独分析了约8000个由独身男女掌家的美国家庭的捐赠情况,这其中包括离异人群,丧偶人群和未曾结婚人群。[/cn] [en]Previous research has shown that women encourage their husbands to give to charity and that women seem to be making a lot of charitable decisions in married households, but it's difficult to get hard data on those trends. This research offers new result。[/en] [cn]以往的研究已经表明女人会鼓励他们的丈夫参加慈善活动,在已婚家庭,似乎女人通常做很多关于参加慈善活动的决定,但是对于独身者,则拿不出硬性数据,这项研究则正好拿出了新结果。[/cn]

  • 囧研究:性格不讨喜,反而易成功?


  • 囧研究:如何高效运动?结论让我惊呆了……

    似的结果。[/cn] [en]According to the team at McMaster University, 'all out' workouts adding up to just 60 seconds within a 10-minute session can improve [w]insulin[/w] sensitivity and [w]cardiorespiratory[/w] fitness.[/en][cn]麦克马斯特大学团队的研究表明,在10分钟的训练中,总共只要60秒“竭尽全力的”锻炼就能提高胰岛素敏感度,并增强心肺健康。[/cn] [en]The researchers recruited 27 sedentary men to participate in the 12 week study.[/en][cn]研究员招募了27名不常运动的男子参

  • 囧研究:废柴有理!懒的人智商比较高

    [en]New research seems to prove the theory that [w]brainy[/w] people spend more time lazing around than their active counterparts. [/en][cn]新的研究似乎证明:相比那些活跃的人来讲,聪明的人会更懒散一点。[/cn] [en]Findings from a US-based study seem to support the idea that people with a high IQ get bored less easily, leading them