• 悬念的英文怎么说

    悬念的英文: suspense in a movie suspense in a play concern for the welfare of someone else参考例句: Recently it filled me with much concern to learn of your indisposition 近闻政躬违和,深为悬念。 I try to add an element of suspense and mystery to my novel. 我试图给我的小说增加一点悬念和神秘的色彩。 Suspense (or suspensive;suspenseful) film 悬念片 Suspense that tickles the reader's curiosity. 激起读者好奇心的悬念 Introduce suspense into a novel 在小念的英文: suspense in a movie suspense in a play concern for the welfare of someone else参考例句: Recently it filled me with much concern to learn of your indisposition 近闻政躬违和,深为悬念说中设置悬念 Keep someone in suspense: delay telling him what he is eager to know 使某人挂虑或悬念 No one likes to be kept long in suspense 没有人愿意老是处在悬念之中。 The director used ingenious devices to keep the audience in suspense 导演用巧妙手法引起观众的悬念。 There's a suspense-thriller showing that has a good review. 有部正在上演的悬念惊险的片子影评不错。 A melodramatic serial in which each episode ends in suspense. 惊险故事连载每一集都在悬念中结束的情节剧连载suspense是什么意思: n. 悬念,悬疑;焦虑;悬而不决 The conspicuous suspicious pension is in suspension. 那笔引人注目的可疑养老金被暂停发放。 Suspension of active hostilities;a truce. 停火暂停敌对行为;停战 She appealed against her suspension. 她对被停职一事已经上诉。movie是什么意思: n. 电影,电影院 They have gone to the movie. 他们去看电影了。 Are you a movie star? 你是电影明星吗? The movie is now showing at all major movie theaters. 这部影片目前正在各大影院上映。play是什么意思: v. 装扮;戏弄;参加;同…比赛;玩;打出;发挥作用;演奏;播放;扮演 n. 戏剧,剧本;比赛;玩耍,游戏 represent a play 再上演某剧 play around with 在一起厮混|玩弄|戏弄 Play havoc with 搅乱,破坏 到沪江小D查看悬念的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 悬空用英语怎么说>> 悬挂式滑翔的英文怎么说>> 悬挂弹性的英文怎么说>> 悬构件的英文怎么说>> 悬杆水文缆道的英文怎么说>>

  • 信念的英文怎么说

    Predestination includes belief in four things 信仰真主得救命定论者包括信仰四件事 He lived his belief. 他身体力行自己的信仰。conviction是什么意思: n. 判罪;定罪;确信,信念;说服力 She was convicted of murder. 她被判犯有谋杀罪。 He was convicted of his errors. 他认识到自己所犯的过失。 The judge convicted him of robbery. 法官判他犯有抢劫罪。 到沪江小D查看信念的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 信赖的英语怎么说>> 信口开河的英文怎么说>> 信口开合的英文怎么说>> 信口的评论的英文怎么说>> 信件的英文怎么说>>

  • 念用英文怎么说

    念的英文: read aloud参考例句: To pronounce;articulate. 发(音);念(字) To bother oneself about something 常念的英文: read aloud参考例句: To pronounce;articulate. 发(音);念(字) To bother oneself about something 常以为念 It was their favourite cant. 那是他们最爱念的经。 Tell(a story),repeat(a list,etc)quickly 急急巴巴地讲(故事)或念(表册等) She stumbled briefly(over the unfamiliar word)but then continued. 她(碰到不认识的字)愣了一下,接着又往下念。 The Bus driver would read out the list of stops. 公车司机会大声念出一串的站名。 I can pronounce twenty-four distinct vowel sound; but your hundred and thirty beat me 我自己念得出二十四个不同的元音;可是你却能分别出一百三十个元音,比我高明多了。 The lead actor mispoke his lines. 男主角念错了台词 。 To think of lewdness 起念奸淫 Carnal thoughts are not removed 尘念未除 read是什么意思: v. 读;看懂,理解;学习;读起来 n. 阅读;读物 She goes to the reading room read pictorials and mag 三点她去阅览室看画报和杂志。 Please mark item displayed in reading pane as read. 请在阅读窗格中显示的邮件标记为“已读”。 He finds pleasure in reading. 他从阅读中得到乐趣。 到沪江小D查看念的英文翻译>>

  • 纪要的英文怎么说

    纪要的英文: summarysummary是什么意思: n. 摘要,概要,概括; adj. 从速从简的,草草的 A short, complete summary; an abstract. 概要;简编短且完全的概要;摘要 abbreviated form of summary record 节略形式的简要记录;简短的简要记录;简要记录节略 Take a gander at the executive summary. 看看执行概要吧。 A concise summary,account, etc 简明的摘要、报道等. Summary justice,punishment,methods 即决裁判、当场的处罚、简易的方法 到沪江小D查看纪要的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 纪委用英语怎么说>> 纪实摄影的英文怎么说>> 纪实的英文怎么说>> 纪念仪式的英文怎么说>> 纪念性的的英文怎么说>>

  • 二十的英文怎么说

    理了二十的英文翻译,一起来了解吧。 二十:twenty,英 [twenti]、美 [twenti],二十、二十几、二十年代,中文意思通常表示:数字二十、人的二十岁,商品的金额、或者表示日期。 双语例句 搅好面糊以后,放上二十分钟。 Mix the batter and let it stand for twenty minutes. 他蹲了二十年监狱以后终于获得了自由。 He finally won his freedom after twenty years in jail. 在部门的合理化改革中,有二十名工人失业。 Twenty workers lost their jobs when the department was rationalized. 我们在同一座房子里住了二十年了。 We have lived in the same house for twenty years. 其余的二十名病人被转送到另一家医院去了。 The remaining twenty patients were transferred to another hospital. 特别提醒:如果您对英语语言学习感兴趣,想要深入学习,可以了解沪江网校精品课程,量身定制高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学。扫一扫定制专属课程 以上是为大家介绍的二十的英文怎么说,希望可以切实帮助到大家。更多英语学习相关信息,可以关注沪江网查询。

  • 世博热词:“纪念币”英语怎么说

    币(第2组)一套。该套纪念币共4枚,其中金币2枚,银币2枚,均为中华人民共和国法定货币。 请看中国日报相关报道: The People's Bank of China (PBOC), the country's central bank, will issue a set of gold and silver [w]commemorative[/w] coins this month to celebrate the upcoming World Expo 2010 Shanghai. 中国银行将发行一套金银纪念币,以庆祝即将到来的上海世博会。 上文中的commemorative coins就是“纪念币”的意思;commemorative的动词形式是commemorate,意为“庆祝、纪念”。而我们常说的“纪念品”有两种说法:[w]souvenir[/w]和[w]keepsake[/w] souvenir可以表示去某地旅游时买的那种纪念品,景区里的纪念品商店出售的就是这种souvenir 而keepsake更多表示非正式的纪念品,比如在和朋友告别时,送的留作纪念的小礼物就是keepsake 更多新闻热词>> 新春课程温暖上线,春季,和网校一起成长! 中级口译春季班 高级口译春季班 商务英语BEC【初级春季班】HOT! 商务英语BEC【中级春季班】

  • 纪实的英文怎么说

    的声音,摄影机留下了他的形象。 A word in a record header that contains a count of the words in the record 记录首部中的一个字,它包含该记录的字计数。 Record down the cancelled flight details into the record book. 将记录下来的取消航班的详细资料记录在航班记录本上。 This battle was vividly recorded in the article. 本文生动地记载了这次战役。 到沪江小D查看纪实的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 纪念仪式的英文怎么说>> 纪念性的的英文怎么说>> 纪念堂的英文怎么说>> 纪念日的英文怎么说>> 纪念品商店的英文怎么说>>

  • 世纪公园的英文怎么说

    纪公园的英文: century parkcentury是什么意思: n. 100年,百年;世纪 The pill of the century! 百年不遇的讨厌鬼! We live in the twentieth century. 我们生活在二十世纪。 It happened late last century. 它发生在上个世纪末。 There will be a relapse into the nationalism of the nineteenth century. 将要倒退回19世纪的民族主义。 It happened in the nineteenth century. 这事发生在十九世纪。park是什么意思: n. 公园;停车场 v. 停车;放置 The park is landscaped. 这公园景观被美化了。 Centrally located overlooking a park with free parking. 市区中心,紧靠公园,免费停车。 They stopped and sat on a park bench. 他们停下来,坐在公园长椅上。 There is a parking area over there. 那儿有一个停车场。 The children often teeter in the park. 孩子们常在公园玩跷跷板。 到沪江小D查看世纪公园的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 世纪大罢工的英文怎么说>> 世纪的英文怎么说>> 世行行长的英文怎么说>> 世故用英语怎么说>> 世风日下的英文怎么说>>

  • 经纪人的英文怎么说

    前定的赔率。broker是什么意思: n. 经纪人,代理商 v. 协调,安排 A crafty knave needs no Broker 狡猾的流氓,不需居间人 The broker subscribed 500 shares. 这个经纪人认购了500股。 The function of the marriage broker was ancient and honorable. 说媒是一项古老而又体面的职业。 The stock market works largely on one broker's trust in another broker's word. The brokers, in turn depend on the faith of the customers they represent. 股市活动主要是靠一名经纪人对另一名经纪人的信任,而经纪人又要依靠他们所代表的客户对他们的信任。 My broker recommended a greater diversification of my investments. 我的经纪人在投资方面给我提供了多样化的选择。 到沪江小D查看经纪人的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 经纪的英文怎么说>> 经互会的英文怎么说>> 经合的英文怎么说>> 经过的英文怎么说>> 经腹的用英文怎么说>>

  • 会议纪要的英文怎么说

    。 我也很高兴认识你。 This is as difficult a problem as you are likely to meet. 像这样的难题,你可能会碰到。 Few students attended the meeting. 没几个学生出席会议。 到沪江小D查看会议纪要的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 会议记录的英文怎么说>> 会议费的英文怎么说>> 会议的英文怎么说>> 会演的英文怎么说>> 会心的英文怎么说>>